Saturday, May 12, 2012

Run in the Sun with Friends

I am still on a runner's high from this morning's run with Casi and Leslie. Some runs are good, some are blah, and some are AWESOME, and I never know what kind of run I will have, but today's run was just what I needed I guess.

I haven't been sleeping well lately. Not sure why(maybe b/c there is a long and lanky 4 year old tossing and turning all night....and he's wedged between my husband and I in our old queen size bed) but it's getting to be a habit. I wake up too early and then I can't go back to sleep.

This morning was no different. I was up before 6a.m. checking Facebook and writing TO DO lists on sticky notes. I got to CFPark 10 minutes early and walked the track one time around before meeting up with Casi and Leslie. It was gorgeous this morning. Sun, very light breeze, and great chit chat between us(although not as much as we normally do b/c we were trying to keep a faster pace).

We finished strong with 7 miles on the Garmin and I was home in time for Chris to get to his yoga/pilates/cyntergy something class.

I had two big cups of a smoothie I made in the Vitamix(banana, spinach, cucumber, maca powder and an apple) when I got home and felt even healthier with all those fruits in veggies in my belly.

Here it is 5:30 and I am still smiling. Running is a beautiful thing and I am thankful to be able to run in the sun with friends!

 SEE! Still smiling!


  1. Love the post and picture! I felt the exact same--some runs are just great.

  2. I know the feeling of a four year old in your bed LOL! It's great to find something that makes your days better like running.
