Monday, January 23, 2012

So this is it-How the running began

So this is it, I've been running for about 3 years, and it's time I document my going-ons. I never ran before, unless it was to catch the Little Jimmy Italian Ice truck(and yes they carried ice cream and yes that's what I would order....two scoops of chocolate ice cream, chocolate sprinkles, in a cone).
Sometimes I ran when my friends and I played "manhunt" and I didn't want to get caught by the opposing team, but that was in 5th grade, so not sure that counts either.

 I also joined an intramural basketball team in 5th grade, but my dad came to one of the games and said my face was "too red." He had the coaches pull me out of the game, and that was that. I also scored a basket(or two or three) for the opposing team, so the coaches didn't really try to convince my dad that a red face(more like slightly flushed) was normal and that I should without a doubt continue to play.

In high school I got big, and by the age of 19 I was fitting into the "big girl" jeans. How big, you ask? Well, let's just say my boyfriend at the time bought me a purple velour sweatsuit from Lane Bryant for Christmas one year, and when I tried it on to prove to him that I was way too small for "those" clothes, the pants were a bit too snug, and I looked like Barney and I just wanted to cry. But I did nothing about the weight for like 2 years. I ended up joining Weight Watchers and that really helped. But as for exercise, I did some during my Weight Watchers phase, but never ever did I run. Sweating on purpose seemed ridiculous to me.

After I had my son, a mommy friend told me to join her running group. She said it was a bunch of other moms, and that they were starting a new session for "newbies." She convinced me that many of the other moms had NEVER run before either and that I would fit right in. So I decided to give it a try. Hey, it was "me" time...something I wasn't getting any of since having my baby. After our first 3 mile race I was really getting to like this running stuff. I continued with the mommy group, and I think talking to the other moms while we ran together really sealed the deal for me. Here I was, away from the monotony of "househood," talking to other women about anything and everything, and getting exercise too. This was just what I needed, and before I knew it I was hooked.

In the 3+ years of running I have completed many 3 mile races, 5 mile races, about three 10 milers, and 4 Half-Marathons. I am registered for two half marathons for this Spring, and I plan to do a FULL MARATHON in November(fingers crossed!).

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Love it--what took you so long;). Can't wait to read more.
